Home Documentation Overview Global Variables Population Density (HYDE,1970)

Population Density (HYDE,1970)

Citation Information

Title: Population Density (HYDE, 1970)

Source: Klein Goldwijk et al.

Date: 2011

Citation: Klein Goldewijk, K. , A. Beusen, and P. Janssen (2010). Long term dynamic modeling of global population and built-up area in a spatially explicit way, HYDE 3 .1. The Holocene20(4):565-573. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0959683609356587


Historical global population density from the HYDE model version 3.0. Native resolution is 5 arcmin with Geographic Coordinate System WGS 1984.

Processing Procedure

1. In ArcMap 10.0, convert native data to 30 arc second resolution aligned with GLOBE Land Unit grid.

2. Extrapolated using a neighborhood of 30 x 30 cells.

3. Used the logical ‘pick’ function to merged the native data over its original extent with the extrapolated data in the extrapolated areas.

4.  Use zonal statistics to calculate mean values within each GLU.

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