Home Tutorials Name a Case

Name a Case

This page provides instructions on best practices for naming a case in the GLOBE system.

A case is assigned two names in the GLOBE system: a ‘brief’ site name and a ‘full’ site name. Upon creating a new case, you will be asked for a site name – this is the ‘brief’ name. The brief name will be used to represent the case in the GLOBE database. As a best practice, the brief site name should describe the geographic location of the case as succinctly and to the finest geographic scale possible. In contrast, the ‘full’ site name can be more descriptive, and it is best practice to include broader-scale geographic names (e.g. provinces, countries) in addition to the brief site name.

For example, if the case represents a study of land change within the Huai Ma Nai Catchment in Phrae Province in northern Thailand, then the naming convention is as follows:

Brief name: Huai Ma Nai Catchment

Full name: Huai Ma Nai Catchment, Phrae Province, Thailand

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