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Land Change Meta-Studies in GLOBE (v1)

The GLOBE Meta-Study Database (v1)

To provide a large set of valuable case studies ready for use (>800 and counting!), the GLOBE Cases Team selected a set of  highly-cited meta-studies in Land Change Science and entered and mapped their case studies into GLOBE Cases.  More details on the Case Team’s efforts are here.  Relationships between primary data reported in each case-study and the location, extent, and geometry of each study site in a case study are sometimes complex, and in many situations, multiple cases were created for a single study site when multiple observations were reported for that study site. Conversely, some geographic descriptions in case studies did not include sufficient detail to determine the exact relationship between the data reported and  the location of a site; in such situations fewer GLOBE cases were created than the number of study sites used and reported in the meta-study.

Land Change Meta-Studies in GLOBE

Achten and Verchot (2011)

achten_2011Cases investigating the implications of land-use change emission on the climate-change mitigation potential of different biofuel production systems.

Achten W, Verchot L (2011) Implications of biodiesel-induced land-use changes for co2 emissions: case studies in tropical america, africa, and southeast asia. Ecology and Society 16 (4): 14. Case-studies in meta-study = 12; cases in GLOBE = 16. View in GLOBE.


Eclesia et al. (2012)

eclesia_2012Cases investigating the replacement of native vegetation by pastures and tree plantations.

Eclesia R, Jobbagy E, Jackson R, Biganzoli F, Pineiro G (2012) Shifts in soil organic carbon for plantation and pasture establishment in native forests and grasslands of south america. Global Change Biology 18 (10): 3237–3251. Case-studies in meta-study = 49; cases in GLOBE = 54. View in GLOBE.


Kauffman et al. (2009)

kauffman_2009Cases investigating rates of deforestation and the resulting carbon emissions as well as land use changes including agricultural abandonment in the neotropics.

Kauffman J, Hughes F, Heider C (2009) Carbon pool and biomass dynamics associated with deforestation, land use, and agricultural abandonment in the neotropics. Ecological Society of America 19 (5): 1211-1222. Case-studies in meta-study = 13; cases in GLOBE = 19. View in GLOBE.


Keys and McConnell (2005)

keys_2005Cases of land-use and land-cover change that focus on the Tropics.

Keys, E., & McConnell, W. J. (2005). Global change and the intensification of agriculture in the tropics. Global Environmental Change, 15(4), 320-337. Case-studies in meta-study = 108; cases in GLOBE = 92. View in GLOBE.



Moritz et al. (2011)

moritz_2011Cases investigating social risk-management strategy (SRMS) variations within pastoral systems.

Mark Moritz, Julia Giblin, Miranda Ciccone, Andrea Davis, Jesse Fuhrman, Masoumeh Kimiaie, Stephanie Madzsar, Kyle Olson, and Matthew Senn. (2011). Social Risk Management Strategies in Pastoral Systems: A Qualitative Comparative Analysis. Cross-Cultural Research 45(3): 286-317. Case-studies in meta-study = 20; cases in GLOBE = 21. View in GLOBE.


Turner et al. (1977)

turner_1977Cases investigating the Boserupian relationship between population density and agricultural intensity.

Turner BL II, Hanham R, Portararo A (1977) Population pressure and agricultural intensity. Ann Assoc Am Geogr 67: 384-396. Case-studies in meta-study = 29; cases in GLOBE = 28. View in GLOBE.



van Vliet et al. (2012)

vanvliet_2012Cases investigating global patterns of change in swidden agriculture.

van Vliet, N., Mertz, O., Heinimann, A., Langanke, T., Pascual, U., Schmook, B., Adams, C., Schmidt-Vogt, D., Messerli, P., Leisz, S., Castella, J.C., Jørgensen, L., Birch-Thomsen, T., Hett, C., Bech-Bruun, T., Ickowitz, A., Vu, K.C., Yasuyuki, K., Fox, J., Padoch, C., Dressler, W., Ziegler, A.D. (2012). Trends, drivers and impacts of changes in swidden cultivation in tropical forest-agriculture frontiers: A global assessment. Global Environmental Change 22(2): 418-429. Case-studies in meta-study = 157; cases in GLOBE = 157. View in GLOBE.


van Vliet et al. (2012) (non-point geometries)

vanvliet_2012Cases investigating global patterns of change in swidden agriculture.

van Vliet, N., Mertz, O., Heinimann, A., Langanke, T., Pascual, U., Schmook, B., Adams, C., Schmidt-Vogt, D., Messerli, P., Leisz, S., Castella, J.C., Jørgensen, L., Birch-Thomsen, T., Hett, C., Bech-Bruun, T., Ickowitz, A., Vu, K.C., Yasuyuki, K., Fox, J., Padoch, C., Dressler, W., Ziegler, A.D. (2012). Trends, drivers and impacts of changes in swidden cultivation in tropical forest-agriculture frontiers: A global assessment. Global Environmental Change 22(2): 418-429. Case-studies in meta-study = 157; cases in GLOBE = 155. View in GLOBE.


van Vliet et al. (2013)

vanvliet_2013Cases investigating crop land change as well as their driving forces, and perceived impacts within the Sahel region of Africa.

van Vliet, N., Reenberg, A., & Rasmussen, L. V. (2013). Scientific documentation of crop land changes in the Sahel: A half empty box of knowledge to support policy?. Journal of Arid Environments, 95, 1-13. Case-studies in meta-study = 50; cases in GLOBE = 50. View in GLOBE.

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