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What’s New in GLOBE?

The GLOBE team will provide updates on new capabilities, features, and applications of the GLOBE system as it continues to develop. Also, we will provide previews of what is coming up in future versions.



  1. Saved representativeness and similarity analyses (version: alpha 0.1) – Saving the parameters of any representativeness or similarity analysis allows the user to return to that analysis at a later data with the exact analytical settings, as well as share analyses with other GLOBE users and non-users.
  2. Enter/Export data tags (version alpha 0.1) – Use data sheets to add external data to each case in a collection.


  1. Global variable histograms (version alpha 0.1) – View in real-time the distributions of selected global variables to be used any analysis.
  2. Interactive, multivariate visualizations – Explore the relationships between your collection and the global population samples with our interactive visualizations using parallel sets in D3. These are found under the “Explorer” tab following a Representativeness Analysis.


The GLOBE case collection has been assembled by our team of geo-referencers by selecting case studies used in highly-cited meta-studies of land change. The meta-studies cover a wide range of spatial and temporal scales, as well as a variety of land change phenomena. GLOBE cases currently originate from the following meta-studies:

  1. Van Vliet, N., Mertz, O., Heinimann, A., Langanke, T., Pascual, U., Schmook, B., Adams, C., Schmidt-Vogt, D., Messerli, P., Leisz, S., Castella, J.C., Jørgensen, L., Birch-Thomsen, T., Hett, C., Bech-Bruunk, T., Ickowitz, A., Vum, K.C., Yasuyuki, K., Fox, J., Padoch, C., Dressler, W. & Ziegler, A.D. (2012). Trends, drivers and impacts of changes in swidden cultivation in tropical forest-agriculture frontiers: a global assessment. Global Environmental Change, 22(2), 418-429.
  2. Turner, B.L. II, Hanham, R. & Portararo, A. (1977) Population pressure and agricultural intensity. Ann Assoc Am Geogr 67: 384-396.
  3. Achten, W. M., & Verchot, L. V. (2011). Implications of biodiesel-induced land-use changes for CO2 emissions: Case studies in tropical America, Africa and Southeast Asia. Ecology and Society, 16(4), 14.
  4. Keys, E., & McConnell, W. J. (2005). Global change and the intensification of agriculture in the tropics. Global Environmental Change, 15(4), 320-337.
  5. Geist, H. J., & Lambin, E. F. (2002). Proximate Causes and Underlying Driving Forces of Tropical Deforestation: Tropical forests are disappearing as the result of many pressures, both local and regional, acting in various combinations in different geographical locations. BioScience, 52(2), 143-150.
  6. van Vliet, N., Reenberg, A., & Rasmussen, L. V. (2013). Scientific documentation of crop land changes in the Sahel: A half empty box of knowledge to support policy?. Journal of Arid Environments, 95, 1-13.
  7. Moritz, M., Giblin, J., Ciccone, M., Davis, A., Fuhrman, J., Kimiaie, M., Madzsar, S., Olson, K. & Senn, M. (2011). Social risk-management strategies in pastoral systems: a qualitative comparative analysis. Cross-Cultural Research, 45(3), 286-317.
  8. Kauffman, J. B., Hughes, R. F., & Heider, C. (2009). Carbon pool and biomass dynamics associated with deforestation, land use, and agricultural abandonment in the neotropics. Ecological Applications, 19(5), 1211-1222.
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